Community Adult Centers - Aging in Place
VIC oversees the operation and management of three multipurpose community centers for older adults in Sherman Oaks, Van Nuys, and Pacoima. The Centers, partially funded by the City of Los Angeles Department of Aging, are attractive, safe places that provide social, educational, fitness, and recreational opportunities to active older adults in the San Fernando Valley.
Nutrition Meal Services − Healthy Sustenance
VIC provides nutritionally balanced meals to older adults, families, and individuals throughout the San Fernando Valley.
308,000 meals served annually
Meals On Wheels: No age requirement
LADOA - Home Delivered Meals: 60+ years of age
VIC Centers/Meal Sites: 60+ years of age
Evidence-Based Programs
Evidence-based programs (EBPs) offer proven ways to promote health and prevent disease among older adults. Evidence-based programs are based on rigorous study and research and provide documented health benefits.
Older adults who participate in EBPs can lower their risk of chronic diseases and falls—or improve long-term effects of chronic diseases or falls.
Benefits to Older Adults
Improved quality of life
Increased self-efficacy in managing one’s health
Increased or maintained independence, positive health behaviors, or mobility
Reduced disability (fewer falls, etc.)
Reduced pain
Improved mental health (including delays in loss of cognitive function and positive effects on depressive symptoms)
Benefits to Community-Based and Health Care Organizations
Better health outcomes and a more positive health care experience
Fewer hospital and doctor visits and lower health care costs
A Matter of Balance is a program for people who have fallen in the past, have a risk of falling and who may be reducing their activities due to a fear of falling. Participants learn to view falls and the fear of falling as controllable, set realistic goals to increase activity, change their environment to reduce fall risk factors and exercise to increase strength and balance. Program participants meet for two hours, once or twice a week for a total of eight sessions.
The UCLA Memory Training is an innovative educational program for people with age-related memory concerns. In small groups, participants engage in memory quizzes and skill-building exercises through a combination of presentations with group discussions. This program focuses on teaching new skills in a low stress, fun environment. Participants meet for two hours once a week over four weeks.
The Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program offers low-impact exercises and gentle activities to help increase joint flexibility, range of motion, and to help maintain muscle strength. Developed specifically for people with arthritis, the program is also beneficial to those without arthritis. Different classes are available to fit each individual fitness level with exercises done while sitting, standing or on the floor. Participants meet for one hour twice a week over six weeks.
The Arthritis Foundation Walk with Ease is a program developed to help individuals create and implement a walking plan to meet their particular needs. This program encourages participants allowing them to stay motivated, manage their pain and learn to exercise safely to keep muscles strong and joints stable. The program helps boost participant energy, reduce stress and control weight. Participants meet for 45 minutes to an hour, three times a week over six weeks.
Emergency Support Services − Basic Needs
VIC oversees the operation and management with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Emergency food and shelter funds are distributed to persons in need in partnership with the North Hollywood Interfaith Food Pantry (NHIFP).
43,931 persons including over 5000 homeless adults and children were provided 16,997 bags of groceries by the North Hollywood Food Pantry.
2,892 people received family social services, information, and referrals from other organizations and nonprofits working with VIC.
Social Concerns/InterCommunity Activities
~ Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration
~ Community Forums
~ Intergenerational Event ~ Annual F.I.T. Expo ~ Major Issues/Legislative Advocacy
~ InterCommunity Discussions, etc.
City & County of Los Angeles, LADOA & Rec & Parks ~ UCLA/USC/CSUN ~ Partners In Care Foundation ~ The Eisner Foundation ~ AthemBlueCross