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Formerly known as VIC-Valley Interfaith Council, now VIC-Valley InterCommunity Council is a well-established nonprofit organization serving the San Fernando Valley communities since 1964. Working with the City of Los Angeles as well as other partners and stakeholders, we provide critical social services such as nutritious hot meals, and a host of health and wellness activities, all designed to raise older adults’ quality of life and overall well-being. Our three centers located across the Valley serve diverse communities with a focus on low to moderate income seniors, the frail and elderly, and those temporarily disabled or chronically ill.
VIC also operates an extensive transportation system. We provide seniors with safe and convenient access to appointments, to our centers so that they can enjoy activities, opportunities to socialize, and a delicious hot meal is served every day at lunch time. We continually seek to strengthen our relationships with nonprofits, for-profits and small businesses that provide a variety of services for aging and senior citizen populations.
Originally founded in 1964, in the heat of rising civil unrest and social injustice awareness, VIC started out as a group of simple people of conscience and clergy from diverse faiths and congregations that came together to fight over the issue of fair housing, and stayed together to bring positive change within the communities of the San Fernando Valley. United by the common conviction of serving those in need, VIC-Valley InterCommunity Council has kept its word through the years. We continue to serve as a bridge to help for many of the thousands who look to our programs and services each year to survive. Our unwavering efforts throughout the years, our advocacy for others and our fight for social justice have not gone by unnoticed. Meals are served to seniors through VIC’s 3 centers, 19 nutrition sites, food pantries and a Homebound Meal Delivery Program.
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